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Fasteners & Fixings
CF 6g X 32mm Coarse Thread Yellow Zinc 1000pcs
CF 6g X 25mm Coarse Thread Yellow Zinc 1000pcs
CF 6g X 45mm Coarse Thread Yellow Zinc 500pcs
CF 8g X 75mm Fine Thread Yellow Zinc 250pcs
CF 8g X 65mm Fine Thread Yellow Zinc 250pcs
CF 7g X 50mm Fine Thread Yellow Zinc 500pcs
CF 6g X 32mm Fine Thread Yellow Zinc 1000pcs
CF 6g X 25mm Fine Thread Yellow Zinc 1000pcs
CF Hex Bugle Batten T17 14-10 X 100mm Class 3 500pcs
CF Hex Bugle Batten T17 14-10 X 65mm Class 3 1000pcs
CF Hex T17 14-10 X 150mm Class 3 250pcs
CF Hex T17 14-10 X 100mm Class 3 500pcs
CF Hex T17 14-10 X 90mm Class 3 500pcs
CF Hex T17 14-10 X 65mm Class 3 1000pcs
CF Hex T17 12-11 X 35mm Class 3 500pcs
CF Hex Self Drill 12-14 X 35mm Class 3 500pcs
CF Hex Self Drill 12-14 X 30mm Class 3 500pcs
CF Hex Self Drill 12-14 X 20mm Class 3 500pcs
CF Hex Self Drill 10-16 X 16mm Class 3 1000pcs
CF 6g x 45mm Self Drill Yellow Zinc 500pcs
Fasteners & Fixings
Fasteners & Fixings Classified recommendation
CF 6g X 32mm Coarse Thread Yellow Zinc 1000pcs
CF 6g X 25mm Coarse Thread Yellow Zinc 1000pcs
CF 6g X 45mm Coarse Thread Yellow Zinc 500pcs
CF 8g X 75mm Fine Thread Yellow Zinc 250pcs
CF 8g X 65mm Fine Thread Yellow Zinc 250pcs